Our Story - Whitaker Leather

Hi, we're Kent and Allyson Whitaker owners, and makers, of Whitaker Leather. We started this business when we decided to turn our hobby into a small business. We have two decades of working in the Western Saddle business so Whitaker Leather seemed like a natural. The idea was to find something that would help center our thoughts, chill, and just do something that would create a few things that were beautiful and special.

We are parents, one son and the pups. Our family has a rich tradition of military, EMS, and community service. We are also a family with ties to other countries and parts of the world but we all have a common thread - loving family, friends, life, and the opportunities this great nation has given us.
When we decided to start E.H. Campbell Trading Company we wanted to make sure that the hard work our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents was honored. That's why we have a focus on Made in the USA custom leather items. Our small business started with a hobby of making handmade leather craft items. It's grown to include custom beverage, bar and kitchen items as well as holsters, jewelry, purses, bags, holsters, and our growing line of vintage style guitar straps and other music accessories.

The original E.H. Campbell name represented a combination of letters signifying our parents and grandparents as well as siblings and our son. Plus, Campbell is a family name. But, we quickly realized that we referred to our business as "Whitaker Leather" more often than not. So, our original shout-out to family was done with love, but changing to Whitaker Leather just made sense. Now, we hope to pass that onto our customers.
Thanks - Kent and Allison Whitaker
Contact: Email us - whitakerleather@outlook.com